
Tuesday 10th December 2024
By  Ruth Dare

Our club welcomes riders with ebikes, and we have separate guidelines to help our ebike riders. It is expected that the number of members with ebikes will continue to grow into the future and the article below may be useful for both members with ebikes and those considering an ebike. This information came from a post on the Brisbane Valley Rail

Category: Cycling
Saturday 11th November 2023
By shane

Participant joining information and update by Duncan Fowler
Hello canyoneers!
Congratulations on showing an interest in BM23. The year is going by very fast and soon we
will be chilling out in one the coolest places to be in the hot, hot summer. It looks like its
gonna be a summer all right, possibly early

Category: Abseiling NRBC
Tuesday 16th May 2023
By  Peter Whitely

Member Jungle Update from Our Membership Officer



Category: General Updates
Tuesday 16th May 2023
By  Peter Whitely


I am sure by now everyone is aware of the decision to introduce Member Jungle to our club. The primary

Category: General Updates
Tuesday 14th March 2023
By shane

20230312 - We have retired two 60m x 9mm Canyon Dry in the last month.  Both at Boomerang.  We have replaced those two ropes with your funds. We were fortunate that they were in stock.



 Also we are in the process

Category: Abseiling NRBC
Monday 2nd January 2023
By  Peter Whitely


Category: Cycling