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Member Jungle Hints - 2

By  Peter Whitely

Member Jungle Update from Our Membership Officer


We are approaching the 2 month mark since rolling out Member Jungle, and whilst there have been some challenges, there has also been a considerable amount of positive feedback from our membership. The positive feedback has been around the membership renewal process, the payment gateway, ease of registering for events, visibility of who is attending, calendar integration and simple access to club resources such as photos, walks reports, cycling reports etc. In addition to this, all members are now on a rolling renewal, meaning that everyone has 12 months membership from the date they join.

It is worth looking at some of the statistics since going live with Member Jungle. There are approximately 60 upcoming events on our system with over 1,100 member registrations across these events. This does not include the 50 events already completed since 19th January.  A combined total of over 600 participants have attended the completed events.

Our payment gateway is being used extensively.  This is a secure system, hosted in Australia that automatically links each payment to either a member name and number, or an event payment such as the Brunswick River cruise. Over 260 membership transactions have been processed through the gateway with the deposits arriving in the club bank account linked to the member name and membership number with automatic generation of receipts.

This month I would like to offer further hints and tips around using both the Mobile Application and the Website with focus on Chat Rooms, Event attendance and how to update your attendance, keeping personal information up to date, and explain the differences between Web access and the mobile application.


Chat Rooms

The mobile application includes the Chat Room feature. This is a relatively new feature that was introduced during Covid times to help club members stay in touch. It has rapidly evolved and is now in regular use by many clubs and particularly in relation to Events.  It is recommended that Leaders set up a Chat Room for their events, especially if last minute updates may be needed around weather, location etc. At this stage every member is able to use Chat Rooms for one on one or group conversations. The Leader should use the search function to find each registered attendee and add them to the Chat Room. The Chat Room can then be renamed to reflect the event and all members can see who has been included in the chat. Messages can then be exchanged by everyone in the group and it is up to each member to leave the chat when the event is over, or they no longer wish to participate in the chat session. The image above shows three Chat Rooms that I am running, one that is just a message to another member about sharing a car to an event and the other two relate to events with a larger number of participants.  The next image shows the menu that is accessed from the three dots in the top right of the screen once you have entered the chat session. This menu allows you to rename a chat session, add another member, leave a chat and see all members in the group.

This menu can be seen in the image below:


Note that the person creating the Chat Room does not have to delete it, in fact the person who created it can leave the chat and the room will remain available for all other users until the last user leaves the chat. It is best to leave chats once you have finished the event or no longer need the chat to avoid unnecessary clutter on your screen. You do also have the option to take a photo as part of your message, or use an existing image, to forward to all within the group.

The Chat Room, like all elements of the mobile application, does require that you have mobile coverage on your device. The majority of Chat Room use at the moment is for pre-event updates. I have chosen to leave notifications on for my chats to make sure I am aware of information relating to events that I am participating in. Notifications are a personal choice and can be set via Notification Settings under the main menu which is access by the three horizontal bars in the top right of the home screen.



The Events setting was a major focus of the update in the February newsletter but did not explain how to remove your event registration if you are no longer able to attend the event. Once you click on the Event icon you have the choice from the menu bar at the top of the screen to look at “My Upcoming Events”. From within this list select the event from which you wish to withdraw by clicking on the Update button and then click Whose Coming. In the next drop-down menu, you can then select Not Attending.

My Account

The My Account icon from within the Mobile Application allows you to view and change information relating to your account. Wherever you see the pencil icon, you can edit that information should you need to update you email address, or other details. Noting that Phone Number, Date of Birth, Gender are not mandatory and are personal choice items.

The My Account information shows your username, however you will need to login to the website to change this.  Everyone is welcome to adjust their username to whatever suits you however your password will require 5 digits or letters and will not accept common words or passwords such as 12345. Member Jungle has now released two factor authentication and this can be turned on per account if anyone wanted this additional level of security on their own account. Please contact me at if required.

A final reminder is that there is no need to logout of the mobile application.  The application does not timeout and it will much faster each time you use it by avoiding the login process.

If you do have a login issue with your password or username, I can fix this remotely. Just call, text, email or try the Forgot Password button below where you enter your username and password on the application.

