For Leaders
Although aimed at Leaders, this page contains useful information for all members.
Every activity leader should be a paid-up club member.
If applicable, the Incident Report form must be completed by the Leader, then forwarded to the President and Secretary as soon as possible after the incident. For clarification and guidance regarding incidents, refer to the Incident Management process.
The leader should write a report of the activity. If a non-cycling activity, send the report by email to the Newsletter Editor, for inclusion in the next monthly Newsletter. If a cycling activity, send the report by email to the Cycling Coordinator, for inclusion in the next weekly Past and Future Rides News item.
On each activity, Leaders are requested to take a supply of Emergency Medical Information slips - to distribute to participants, as needed.
To share transport costs when car-pooling, the Club guideline is to calculate:
The cost per passenger = Total cost of petrol/diesel, multiply by 1.5, and divide by number of passengers.
If any participant of your activity is under 18 years old, then please read the Child Safety Policy and Guidelines
In the event of an Emergency on your activity, refer to the Emergency Contact Procedure.
Please refer to the Essentials page for:
Essential Information document, for each activity type
Risk Management document, for each activity type
Walk Leader Guidelines and Checklist
Bushwalking Manual
In April 2021 Bushwalking NSW adopted the Bushwalking Manual as the primary good practice guide for use by clubs for recreational bushwalking and ski touring.
Sources of Best Practice Guidelines contains links to Best Practice Guidelines for each major activity.
The following links relate to insurance:
- Insurance Claim Procedure
- Club Insurance Certificate of Currency
- Bushwalking Australia Insurance - FAQs
The NRBC Constitution document includes sections on Club Objectives; Committee Office Bearers; Membership; Meetings and Finance
For trip leaders who want to do a reccie of a cycle, paddle, abseil or walk before they offer it as a club activity – you need to notify the relevant Activity Coordinator BEFORE you do the reccie. If a reccie is in a remote location, you may be required to have an additional person/s and a PLB with you. The Activity Coordinator can advise you further about this and their emails are listed on our website. This procedure ensures that your reccie is recorded as a club activity –and subsequently, be covered by insurance whilst you are doing the reccie.
For notes relating to a club Navigation Course held at Rummery Park, refer to: