Graham Player Perpetual Trophy




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Graham Player was responsible for setting up the NRBC's Cycling fraternity.  He was a member of our club for many years before passing away in June 2019.  
To mark his great contribution to Cycling, we created a perpetual trophy to be awarded each year to a cyclist who has made an outstanding contribution to the year's Cycling events.


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Ian Dodd - the winner of the 2024 Cyclist of the Year holding the Graham Player Perpetual Trophy


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Chris awarding to Brendan the Graham Player Perpetual Trophy for 2023


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Chris reading the long list of reasons for Peter to be awarded the Graham Player Perpetual Trophy for the year 2022


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Angie passing on to Ruth the Graham Player Perpetual Trophy for the year 2021


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Angie - proud recipient of the Graham Player Perpetual Trophy for the year 2020


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Alan being awarded the Graham Player Perpetual Trophy for the year 2019