WALK: Boggy Creek and Peates Mountain 13km Grade 3
Click on this link for the exact starting point at Minyon Falls car-park at 8:15am and be ready to start the walk at 8:30.
We will walk over the causeway and along the road to Rummery Park, then through the barrier on the Peates Mountain fire trail and climb steadily up the trail. Listen for Lyrebirds and look for Regent Bowerbirds and Paradise Riflebirds.
Avoid bringing any small blue items as it is breeding season and the bowerbirds will be looking to refurbish their bowers with bright blue shiny items.
Once we reach the old trig station, we will have a morning tea break and then descend on a walking trail down through the forest back to Rummery Park for lunch before proceeding along Boggy Creek back to the car-park. Look out for Australian logrunner birds along the babbling brook.
We will have plenty of stops to admire the view, listen for birds and inspect for leeches.
Bring a first aid kit, emergency contact info, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea to share back at Minyon Falls car park. Also bring insect spray and salt for leeches.
Members register for themselves only. Non-members please contact the Walks Coordinator, Douglas Wilson walks.nrbc@gmail.com, with your name and email address. Maximum 18.
Upon registration it will be assumed you have read the Northern Rivers Bushwalkers Club BUSHWALKING ESSENTIAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT and you bring in your pack a completed Medical Information slip.
If any children are attending, click on this link to our Child Safety Policy and Guidelines.
B1 Boomerang Falls Whian Whian. ...