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WALK: Interlaken Switzerland 14-day event
Jun 17

WALK: Interlaken Switzerland 14-day event

Start Date
17-Jun-2025 3:00 pm
End Date
01-Jul-2025 10:00 am
(UTC+10:00) Australia/Sydney

There is now one vacancy.

Our British walker friends have been going to Switzerland every year except during Covid, and have once again invited some of our members (maximum 9) to join them on these spectacular walks. You will be offered up to three different walks each day, but of course, everyone is welcome to do their own thing if they wish. 

You will be staying at Waldhotel (click on that link to see the hotel and what facilities it provides) and be under the guidance of Nina Carrier and Linda Mills. Their Manchester flights arrive at Geneva airport on 17th June at 14:10. The 45-seater coach will then transfer them (and any of us as needs be). The coach last year cost £35 one way and £70 both ways. The latest coach price will not be known until nearer the time. The cost for hotel accommodation will be CHF 1,190 per person for 14 nights (approx AUD$2,060 as at Oct 8), occupying a twin room with all meals provided. Lunch is self-prepared sandwiches.

On top of this will be the cost of the 10-day travel pass, which includes trains, boats, lifts and buses. Unfortunately, we don't know how much this will be, but you will be able to obtain prices when they are published on the Bernese Oberland website However, Stefan advises that next year it will be different as the company which owns the Jungfrau section of the Pass wants to issue their own separate Pass, so we don't yet know how it will work out for us. As soon as we know, you will be notified as we will all need to purchase the same Pass.

Apparently, there is also a half-price travel pass which some Australians purchased in 2024 to get from their Swiss destination (ie Geneva, Zurich etc) to Interlaken by train and those who purchased this can have this cost deducted from their Bernese Oberland Travel Pass.  

Preference will be given to members who have not previously done this trip, so please do not register if you have travelled here before. You can, however, register on the waitlist. You will need to pay a deposit of $500 to register on the main event, but not on the waitlist. As per our usual policy, if you wish to cancel, you will only receive a refund if there is a member to replace you. You will each pay the hotel the full cost of accommodation upon your arrival. Your $500 deposit will then be refunded to you.

Travel Insurance is essential, and you will be asked to give details some time prior to departure.

Upon registration, it will be assumed you have read the Northern Rivers Bushwalkers Club BUSHWALKING ESSENTIAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT and you bring in your pack a completed Medical Information slip.

Event Location
15 Wagnerenstrasse
Matten bei Interlaken CH-AG 3800
Contact Details
Ruth Dare

Saturday 7th Jun 2025 - Monday 9th Jun 2025
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