RIDE: Suffolk Park/Seven Mile Beach/Byron 34km 344m
Click here for the starting point at the back of the pub/supermarket car park, Suffolk Park.
To see the route on Ridewithgps click here.
We ride to Broken Head via the bush track (option to go via the road) and Seven Mile Beach Road, returning the same way. We then head to the lighthouse via the track behind Byron High School, back down to The Pass,( but not stopping here for coffee), returning to start via Cowper St and Bangalow Road, then coffee at the end of the ride at the Suffolk Park Bakery, near starting carpark.
This ride is unsuitable for road bikes, hybrids ok.
Members register on this Event, visitors contact the Cycling Coordinator Chris McDowell 0490 331125.
Upon registration it will be assumed you have read the Northern Rivers Bushwalkers Club CYCLING ESSENTIAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT and you bring in your pack a completed Medical Information slip.
0400 717118
Minyon Falls and Condong Falls ...