WALK: Shaws Bay to Lennox 12km Grade 3
The event starts at Lennox Head by catching the 2:10pm bus to Shaw’s Bay ($2.50 concession, $5 adult). Group size is limited to 16 due to bus capacity. This is a link to the precise meeting point to get the bus.
We will walk from Shaws Bay, Ballina to Lennox Head – past Boulder, Sharpes, Angels, Shelleys, Lighthouse beaches and over two headlands.
After the walk, we will have drinks and dinner at Lennox Bowls Club (optional). If you are staying for dinner, please register on the separate event.
Members register on the event. Visitors contact the Walks Coordinator on walks.nrbc@gmail.com.
Everyone who is registered must read the Northern Rivers Bushwalkers Club BUSHWALKING ESSENTIAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT and bring in your pack a completed Medical Information slip.
If any children will be attending click on this link to our Child Safety Policy and Guidelines.
0427 913599
Social: NRBC Bush Dance Moller Pavilion, Market Street, Bangalow 4:00pm - 7:30 pm ...