WALK: Lismore Rainforest Botanic Gardens and Wilson’s Nature Reserve 4km Grade 2/3
Click here for the meeting spot near the water tower on City View Drive East Lismore.
The two sites (3 parts) are only 4km in total but lots to see! The first walk is in part of Wilson’s Nature Reserve. Part of the trail is closed, so we will walk to a turn around point and retrace our steps on two short side tracks. The reserve is a remnant of the Big Scrub. The track follows the contours of a wooded hill and may be wet and slippery in parts with leaf litter, exposed tree roots and some rocks. This walk is approximately 1.8km (about 40 mins).
We will then drive 1.5km to the Lismore Rainforest Botanic Gardens in the grounds of the Lismore Recycling and Recovery Centre. Entering the facility, we will drive 200m and turn right. A further 200m along this side road, we park at the gardens Visitor Centre. The Gardens feature plant species from a 200km radius and were opened on an old landfill site 12 years ago. They are managed by volunteers.
The first walk here will be about 30 mins in the Hoop Pine Forest and a walk to the summit. At the top there is a large church bell and a labyrinth. We will take a side track back to the carpark and then take a second walk into the rest of the gardens. The main gardens walk includes different 'rooms' featuring different types of plants, including uncommon and useful plants, and different species. Paths are natural or bitumen. In total, these two garden walks are approximately 2km and about 1.5hrs.
BYO morning tea to have back at the picnic area near the carpark. There is the option to stay longer to explore more of the gardens.
Members: please register for yourself only (i.e. DON'T register for additional people). This is for insurance purposes.
Non-Members: please contact the Walks Coordinator walks.nrbc@gmail.com with your name, email address and contact number, to register for this event.
If any person under 18 years of age is attending, click on this link to read Child Safety Policy and Guidelines before contacting the Walks Coordinator walks.nrbc@gmail.com to register.
For safety and insurance purposes, everyone must be familiar with the Northern Rivers Bushwalkers Club BUSHWALKING ESSENTIAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT and bring a completed Medical Information slip in your backpack.