KAYAK: Coopers Creek/Repentance Creek Grade 2
Click on this link for the meeting place at Eureka Crossing at 8am.
An exploratory paddle along Coopers Creek and Repentance Creek to Eureka. The 9km paddle comes highly recommended by others who have done it, some of whom have done it in 2.5hrs.
We will again check that the levels are adequate as a good flow is important. Updates will be provided in the chat function set up for this event. Alternate dates or locations will be advised if the levels aren’t satisfactory.
The creek crossing has limited space, so cars may be left 1-200m west of the river, so we will meet near the corner of Emerson Road and Eureka Road. We will then arrange a car shuffle to Repentance Creek hall. We will start paddling at 9 with an estimated finish around 2pm.
Members register online just for themselves. Visitors contact the Kayaking Coordinator, Peter Monks, 0414190279 to register.
Life jackets correctly worn are compulsory. Please read the Northern Rivers Bushwalkers Club KAYAKING ESSENTIAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT and bring in your pack a completed Medical Information slip.
Mt Matheson and Pholis Gap, Mt Nardi ...